House Churches

House Churches are spaces created to foster the development of healthy family. But what does that mean, exactly? 

Encountering God’s love through corporate prayerworship, and the preaching of God’s word is only the beginning of a dynamic relationship with God. Community is the place where the “rubber meets the road” and we discover what our spirituality is really made of (which can be humbling sometimes!)  Family is created when love becomes incarnational and takes on an active form. As we engage openly with community, we learn to love well and create healthy, secure connections with those around us- this is what family is all about! As this takes place, we are compelled to extend the love being cultivated into our city through mission. Mission is simply the overflow of a healthy family. God so loved that He gave Jesus to the world, and in the same way, as we become love to one another, the natural overflow is the generous gifting of ourselves to a suffering world.

House Churches are communities that meet two evenings a month with the goal of becoming a healthy family. The bi-monthly gatherings are intentional spaces, led by anointed leaders, to facilitate intimacy, breakthrough, and a lot of joy! The hope is for amazing, Jesus-centered relationships to be fostered that spill over into the rest of your lives! We encourage you to join this revival and give yourself to helping create a healthy family that will transform our world!