June 7, 2024

77. Molly Yardumian: In the World to Preserve the World

Molly Yardumian is a passionate and creative woman with robust faith, a brilliant mind, and a servant’s heart. She is a witness to us of what a laid-down life looks like as a student, a public school teacher, and a church staff member. You can find the Show Notes at: https://riverhouseministries.com/podcast/77-molly-yardumi…eserve-the-world/
The Deep Waters Podcast
The Deep Waters Podcast
77. Molly Yardumian: In the World to Preserve the World

Show Notes

This week, hear from the wonderful and wise Molly Yardumian about her story. Her life-long intimacy with the Lord is apparent both by what she shares and by the way she lives. She tells of her faithful Christian home and the blessings of Christian fellowship and counseling in her discipleship. As a public English teacher for years, and a product of the public schools herself, she expresses her heart to be salt and light in secular spaces for the sake of Christ and His Kingdom. As River House’s pastoral assistant and a committed servant to our church, she’ll inspire you with her depth, humility, and consistent desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus. She is a brilliant linguist and a deep well of wisdom who is also pursuing a passion to write as a hobby.

To hear more from her and to gain access to her enriching content, you can subscribe to her Substack by clicking this link.

The Deep Waters Podcast is for anyone who desires to grow in discipleship to Jesus. We pray that the conversations we engage in edify you, the listener, whether you attend River House in Boise, ID, or join us from around the world.

Topic idea for the next podcast?