Erica Baldry is a faithful, joyful, and constantly prayerful member of our church family. In this conservation, she shares with us her story of coming to leave her job that she loved in order to homeschool her kids out of an act of obedience to a directive word from the Lord. Allow her open-handed submission to the Father to challenge you to crave deeper obedience yourself.
Erica, along with her husband Bill, raise two kids that are often leading the throne-room praise in church. Their family is a model for us to learn how we might intentionally steward our homes around the principles that shape our spaces of worship.
Do you allow your family life to be permeated by prayer, worship, and the spiritual disciplines? How might the Lord be calling you into something you haven’t created the room to hear Him speaking about yet?
We hope this conversation moves you to open your heart to the voice of Holy Spirit more consistently that you might find yourself fulfilling Paul’s mandate to “pray without ceasing.” God bless you, and thanks for listening to the Deep Waters Podcast.