May 26, 2024

City Of God: Our Privilege and Duty | Riley Verner

River House Podcast
River House Podcast
City Of God: Our Privilege and Duty | Riley Verner

This sermon emphasizes the importance of Christians actively participating in building the city of God by sharing the gospel and their personal testimonies. Riley Verner encourages believers to lay down their lives, crucify their fears, and boldly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. By doing so, they populate the city of God and provide a dwelling place for the Lord.

Key Points:

  • Christians are called to be the saints who do the work of the ministry and build the city of God.
  • Carrying the gospel is not just for the sake of those who are perishing but also to build God a dwelling place.
  • Christians should be undignified in their worship and bold in their witness, just as David was when he had the opportunity to build a temporary dwelling place for the Lord.
  • Believers must not let the glorification of microphones and platforms, feelings of disqualification, or fear of man hold them back from sharing the gospel.
  • There is a win-win situation when Christians present the gospel without fear: if rejected, they partake in Christ’s glory; if accepted, Jesus receives the reward of His suffering.

Scripture Reference:

  • Romans 10:9-15 – Emphasizing the importance of preaching the gospel and the beauty of those who bring the good news.